1. The unit test TestLinearReg.test_solve_pinv_4 had an issue. It used 0 as a cutoff. On some machines, svd does not return a zero singular value, instead it returns a small nonzero value (due to roundoff error). Please use the revised unittests available here.
  2. Notebooks the EDA/cleaning notebook and regression notebook are now available.
  3. For those who are interested there is a intermediate git workshop happening on campus (thanks to Michael Discenza for letting us know). Here are the details:

Intermediate Git Workshop Tue, March 12, 9pm – 10pm Where
Hamilton 603 map Calendar
Application Development Initiative Created by
znewman01@gmail.com Description

Know how to use Git but don't know anything about it's internals? Want to learn how to rebase, cherry-pick, and fix merge conflicts like a champ? Use git effectively for collaboration and development using the techniques in this workshop.

Presupposes only a basic knowledge of Git/VCS.

  1. Don't forget there will be presentations next week March 12th. Two teams will be randomly chosen to for 15mins.

  2. Here is a nice list of regular expression wild cards, what they do and where they are supported.

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28 February 2013


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